Hammond Consulting Print Sample

A4 Flyers for Hammond Consulting

This week we designed and printed 1000 A4 Flyers on 150gsm, silk paper, for @AndrewJHammond of Hammond Consulting.            

Color guide

The ultimate colour guide.

For content marketing, colour is a cue. Colour is a cue that gets your audience to see what you want them to see, feel what you want them to feel, and to do what you want them to do. How you use colour also affects the

What is Responsive Web Design?

You may have heard us ask; “How can your visitors respond to you, if your website does not respond to them?" or; “Is your website responsive?” You may have wondered…. what the heck is responsive website design? Here we explain.  

Clean your website

Spring clean your website

Spring is almost here! Birds are chirping, winter clothes are starting to be packed away and people are starting the annual spring cleaning of their homes by getting rid of a lot of old and unwanted items to make room for the new. Now is

Hammon Consulting business cards design

Latest logo and business card designs

First impressions are everything and that's why we ensure our clients stand out with stylish logo and business card designs.  We create unique, memorable and cutting edge corporate identities. We have worked with both large international corporations and with smaller businesses to deliver a thoroughly thought

Sudbury office

Hello Sudbury

We are very excited to announce the launch of our Sudbury based design studio, offering website design, mobile app development, graphic design and print services.            

Jabu Designs newspaper advert

Smartphone App for Business

With an increasing amount of local businesses approaching us for mobile apps, maybe, just maybe, we are finally catching up with the other side of the pond! With over 65% of UK web traffic now coming from mobile devices, it has never been a better time
